Sunrise: 1952 — Sunset: 18/06/2023

It is with the hope of resurrection that we announce the death of Pastor Samwel Omolo Ayugi which occurred at Homa Bay County Referral Hospital after a tragic accident on 18 June, 2023.

The late Pastor was husband to Mrs Jane Omolo.

Son-in-law to the late Michael Oyugi and Mama Sulemena Oyugi of Lambwe Valley.

Son to the late Ayugi Miguna and Salina Ayugi of Lambwe Valley, Homa Bay County.

Beloved father to Jasper, Jabes, Veronica, Antony, Omogi, Wenslate, William, James, Emma, Stella

Grandfather to Stanley (late), Junior, Euphemia, Adrian, Arnold, Hope, among others.

Brother to the late Joseph Okumu, Daniel Juma, Emmanuel Okendo, Aloyce Achieng (late), Benard Odoyo (late), Charles Odhiambo, Peter Okinyi, Agnes Oketch, Roseline Adoyo, Monica Ayugi and Nerea Apiyo among others. Pastor Omolo is fondly remembered as a friend to many.

Pastor Omolo Ayugi worked for the Seventh Day Adventist Church for over 34 years and in various capacities including that of The Union Stewardship Director, Ranen Conference President, Ministerial Director-Ranen Conference, Station Director and Church Pastor.

Family and friends are meeting at his home in Aila Village, Rakwaro, Rongo Sub-county, Migori County.

The cortege will leave Rosewood Mortuary, Rongo on Wednesday 5 July, 2023 for overnight vigil. Funeral service will take place at his home near Aila SDA Church-Dudu District, Rongo on Thursday 6 July, 2023 from 8.00am. Led by Pastor Samuel Misiani (President WKUC).

For more details contact Emma 0727484992. and funeralDeath of PASTOR SAMWEL OMOLO AYUGI,PASTOR SAMWEL OMOLO AYUGI
Sunrise: 1952 — Sunset: 18/06/2023 It is with the hope of resurrection that we announce the death of Pastor Samwel Omolo Ayugi which occurred at Homa Bay County Referral Hospital after a tragic accident on 18 June, 2023. The late Pastor was husband to Mrs Jane Omolo. Son-in-law to the late Michael...