Sunrise : 30/09/1983 – Sunset :27th May 2024

It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Peter Wainaina Kinyua which occurred on 27th May 2024 in Birmingham, UK.

Beloved son of Christom Kinyua and Lucy Kinyua.

Father of Dylan Wainaina, Loiyan Wanjiku and Maya Ngima. Brother of Joseph Karanja Kinyua, Dominic Kahuha Kinyua and Josphine Wambui Kinyua.

Family and Friends are meeting daily at their home in Kangemi, near Nagi plaza and at Hacienda in Ngara for burial arrangements from 5.00pm.

Contributions towards burial arrangements can be send to the number 0113717754 (Josphine Kinyua).

The body will be repatriated to Kenya from Birmingham, UK, today 9th July 2024.

The cortege leaves Umash Funeral Home on 12th July 2024 at 9:30 a.m for a funeral service and burial at Lang’ata Cemetery from 10:00 a.m.

Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure, you are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure. and funeral
Sunrise : 30/09/1983 - Sunset :27th May 2024 It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Peter Wainaina Kinyua which occurred on 27th May 2024 in Birmingham, UK. Beloved son of Christom Kinyua and Lucy Kinyua. Father of Dylan Wainaina, Loiyan Wanjiku and Maya Ngima. Brother of Joseph Karanja Kinyua, Dominic Kahuha Kinyua and Josphine Wambui Kinyua. Family...