We regret to announce the death of Reuben Owiti Atonga, which occurred on 23rd July  2020 at Mbita District Hospital, Suba North, Homabay County after a short illness.

Mzee Reuben was the husband to the late Salome Atieno and brother-in-law to late Zipporah Ouma. He was brother to lsaya Ochilo, the late Musa Ouma, Hulda Ouma and Eunice Okello. Father to Amos Atonga of NJ, USA; the late Samwel Ochieng Atonga, former Magistrate Kisumu Law Courts; Frank Ooro of Rusinga; Jane Atonga of NJ, USA; and Richard Atonga Advocate of Awendo. Father-in-law to Rose Atonga of NJ, USA, the late Ruth Atonga, Pamela Ooro Atonga, and Kezia Atonga. Grandfather of Joyce Okoth, Alexis Okoth, and Silas Okoth of NJ, USA; Jeremy Ochieng, Silas Ooro Advocate, Ken Ooro of USA, Florence Adero Ooro, and Vera Ooro.

Uncle to the late Dr. James Ouma, late Dr. Margaret Ouma, Stephen Otieno, late Karume Ouma, late George Ouma, and late Daniel Oluoch Ouma. He was also uncle to Grace Ouma Gor, USA, Raphael Ouma Karume, USA, Frank Ouma Kaseu, USA, John Ochieng Ouma, Nairobi, David Ouma, (UK), George Orwa,Tom Orwa and Nelly Orwa all of the USA. Brother in-law to the late Harrisson Odhiambo Opiyo (father to Millie Odhiambo Mabona) and others; Absalom Obilo of Rusinga Island, Grace Kithine Chacha of Migori, the late Ben Kinaga, the late Jane Nyengo Ochang (mother to Jess, Rafael and others) and Okeyo Njoroge Opiyo, all of KoloVillage Rusinga.

The burial will be held on Friday, 7th August 2020 in Wayando Clan, Wanyama Sub-Location, Rusinga Island. and funeralDeath of REUBEN OWITI ATONGA,REUBEN OWITI ATONGA
We regret to announce the death of Reuben Owiti Atonga, which occurred on 23rd July  2020 at Mbita District Hospital, Suba North, Homabay County after a short illness. Mzee Reuben was the husband to the late Salome Atieno and brother-in-law to late Zipporah Ouma. He was brother to lsaya Ochilo,...