Sunrise: 1935 – Sunset 11/09/2020

It is with deep sorrow and acceptance of God’s will that we announce the death of Rtd. WOII, Wilson Kamuti Ngura who passed away on 11th September, 2020 at Mwingi Level IV Hospital.

Son of the late Ngura Muoti and the late Lakeli Mwaiki Ngura. Loving husband of Lenah Vivi. Father of Annah Kithunu, Joseph Muthui, late James Wambua and Josphat Mwangangi. Brother of Kimwele, Mwithui (Sungu), Katunge, Mwanziu, Ngie, Kitheka, Maithya, Mwanzi, Mutata and Kithanze (all late). Father-in-law of the late Maithya Kakuli, Josphene Vaati, Felistus Kithumbi, Beatrice Mwangangi. Grandfather of Hon. Kyalo Watutu, Kilonzi, Late Mwende, Vivi, Qs. Zakayo, Mwendwa, Muthui, Mwende, Kimanzi, Mutai, Lenah, Wambua, Mumo, Emily, Mutie, Muthui, Kiteme, Juliet, Eng. Mwiathi, Vaati, Musili, Nelly, Dr Mwangangi, Dr. Mutukaa, Dr. Gideon Mukui, Esther Kyambi and many others. Great grandfather to Abigael, Alfine, Brian and many others. Uncle of the late Rev. Dr. Mwanthi, Julius, Sammy, David, Mwini, late Murukaa, Ngura, Kairu, Kanini, and many others. Son in law of the late Ndie and Muthangya Nzioka. Brother-in law of Geoffrey, Nzanzai, Mue, Musili, Mutemi, Musemba, Elijah, Japheth, and others. Cousin of Nyarnu, Kang’alikya, Musyoka, Samuel, Muthangya, Lemah, Sammy and many others.

Friends and relatives are meeting daily at his rural home for burial preparations.

The cortege will leave Mwingi level IV Hospital Mortuary on Saturday, 19th September. 2020, at 8:30am for burial at his rural home, Karnunyu Mathyalcani Sub-Location, Mwingi Central Sub-County, KituiCounty.

Fare thee well, till we meet again.

“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though they die” John 11:25.  

https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/RTD.-WOII-WILSON-KAMUTI-NGURA.jpg?fit=480%2C547&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/RTD.-WOII-WILSON-KAMUTI-NGURA.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1adminDeath and funeralDeath of RTD. WOII WILSON KAMUTI NGURA,RTD. WOII WILSON KAMUTI NGURA
Sunrise: 1935 – Sunset 11/09/2020 It is with deep sorrow and acceptance of God’s will that we announce the death of Rtd. WOII, Wilson Kamuti Ngura who passed away on 11th September, 2020 at Mwingi Level IV Hospital. Son of the late Ngura Muoti and the late Lakeli Mwaiki Ngura. Loving...