It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Mr Timonah Grema Onzere on 25th October 2022.

Husband to the late Mama Daina Jadeya. Beloved son to Saulo Onzere and mama Zilba Aseyo. Brother to late Festo, the late Zipora, the late Matayo,the late Salome, the late Benna, the late Norah, the late Ellam and Dorika of Nandi County.

Brother-in-law to Ester, Truphena, Dorcas, the late Elizabth, Alfred Lulu, Leah, Serah, Dr Joyce Wangia, Ezina, Grace, the late Debra and Salome.

Father to Edith Onzere (Kitale), Jane (WD), Evans (TCH), the late Donald, Rev. Kennedy Onzere (District Overseer Mautuma), Steve (Namanga), the late Ronika, Maggie (USA), Onzere, the late Wycliffe, the late Nancy, the late Susan, Frank and Rose (Mbale).

Grandfather to Nellie, Khagai, David, Rodgers, Diana, Sharon, Collins, Cynthia, Lillian, Kasaya,Terry among others. Great grandpa to Velma, Mitchell, Gigs among others. Felix, Gaius.

Father inlaw to the late Lazarus, Joyce, Naomi, Sara, Pauline, Mmbohi among others. Uncle to many.

The cortege leaves Kiminini Cottage on Thursday 3rd November 2022 for a service and burial on Saturday 5th November 2022 at Musunzu village, Mautuma location Kakamega county.

https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/TIMONAH-GREMA-ONZERE.jpg?fit=480%2C586&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/www.ripkenya.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/TIMONAH-GREMA-ONZERE.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1adminDeath and funeralDeath of TIMONAH GREMA ONZERE,TIMONAH GREMA ONZERE
It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Mr Timonah Grema Onzere on 25th October 2022. Husband to the late Mama Daina Jadeya. Beloved son to Saulo Onzere and mama Zilba Aseyo. Brother to late Festo, the late Zipora, the late Matayo,the late Salome, the late Benna,...