It is with great sorrow and sadness that we announce the death of Victor Gwaro Okioma (EBS) that occurred at Krishna Shalby Hospital, Ahmedabad, India, on 16th August, 2024. The body is lying at Lee Funeral Home.

Victor formerly worked with the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government and later as the Chief Executive Officer NACADA.

He was the Son of the late Mzee Joseph Okioma and Rusariah Machoka of Nyabomo farm, Kitale.

He was a loving husband of Rose Kemunto Otundo Gwaro (formerly of Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock Development).

A dear Father of Lucy Mwango (National Police Service Commission), Debra Kerubo (Department of Refugees Services DRS), Sylvia Moraa (KCB) and Diana Mong’ina.

Brother of James Nyangena (USA), Elkana Okioma, the Late Ebisiba Bosibori, Mheshimiwa Mwancha Okioma, John Okioma, the Late Stephen Okioma Prof.Momanyi Okioma (Moi University),Thomas Okioma (Kisii University), the Late Richard Nyakundi, the Late Fred Mongare and Zipporah Okioma (RVTTI).

Son in-law of the Late Stephen Otundo and Priscah Mong’ina, Priscillah Nyagechanga, (Monyenye, Mongina, Mandere & Mary – All deceased) 

Brother in-law of Elizabeth Nyangena, the Late Nyamoita, James Nyabaro, Hellen, Susan Mwancha, Josephine, Jane, Dr. Rose Momanyi, Florence Mogaka, the late Olive, Hotensia Mongare & Patrick Kutoto, Otundos’ Livingstone (USA), Tom, Charles, Jane, Lawrence, Jason (USA), Daniel, Hon. Racheal, Calvin, Samuel among others.

Victor was cousin of the Pastor Nyakegos’, Omwengas’, Nyarenchi’s, Onchwanis’, Nyaangas’, Clements’, Mokuas’, Nyachwayas’, Abokos’, Nyamburetis’, Mayiekas’, Maeches’, Mogwares’, Shems’, Ongagas’, Onyaris’, the Maeris’ and the wider Machuki Omari among others.

Father in-law of Dennis Siele, Bryan Saruni and Felix Ojow. Grandfather of Tara, Myles, Leyian, Talisa, Riley, Merrick, Tacara and Remmy.

Korera of the Late Alfredo & Ruth Cheruiyot, Justus and Naomi Sation, Christopher & Maria Ojow.

Victor was a loved and cherished son, husband, father brother, uncle, cousin and friend to many.

A Memorial service will take place on Wednesday 4th September, 2024 at Maxwell SDA Central Church before the body leaves for Kitale on 5th September, 2024.

The funeral is planned to take place on 6th September, 2024 at Nyabomo farm, Trans-Nzoia Kitale.

Meanwhile fundraising activities are ongoing at Public Service Club (Upperhill), Vibro Club in Nairobi West, at his family residence in Syokimau, Nyabomo Farm Kitale and at their Riakworo/Riamoni home in Nyamira.

Contributions in support can be sent to Pay Bill No. 8057087 Account No. Your Name.

Job 14:5 “The length of our lives is decided before hand – the number of months we will live.

YOU have settled it, and it can’t be changed and funeralDeath of Victor Gwaro Okioma (EBS),Victor Gwaro Okioma (EBS)
It is with great sorrow and sadness that we announce the death of Victor Gwaro Okioma (EBS) that occurred at Krishna Shalby Hospital, Ahmedabad, India, on 16th August, 2024. The body is lying at Lee Funeral Home. Victor formerly worked with the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government and...